DAO - Data Access Objects

Data Access Object, or DAO, is a generic interface for a collection of objects.

The interface supports fetching and deleting many rows (select, removeAll), fetching and deleting single rows (find, remove) and inserts (put). The interface also includes a rich and extensible query language, for filtering, sorting, and aggregation.

The model (M of MVC) defined in the previous chapter describes what our data is: a Phone. The DAO defines how we store a collection of Phones.

FOAM’s data storage library contains many implementations of the common DAO interface:

  • In-memory (lightning fast, with automatic indexing and query optimization)
  • LocalStorage and chrome.storage.*
  • IndexedDB
  • Plain Javascript arrays
  • REST services
  • XML and JSON files
  • MongoDB (in Node.js)

There are also many DAO “decorators”, which add extra functionality on top of other DAOs. This spares each DAO’s author from having to reimplement caching, autoincrement, logging, and timing.


At the top level of our app, we have a Controller, the C of MVC, which is responsible for connecting the views and models together. For this simple app, we have a small Controller with very few parts. There are a couple of inputs (search box, sort order), and the data (from the phones.js file).

The Controller knows nothing about how the app is laid out visually, it just creates the components and binds them together.

  • A TextFieldView for the search box.
  • A ChoiceView for the sort order drop-down.
  • A DAOListView for the list of phones.

Let’s look into the code, which should go in a new file, $PROJECT/Controller.js:

  name: 'Controller',
  properties: [
      name: 'search',
      view: { factory_: 'foam.ui.TextFieldView', onKeyMode: true }
      name: 'order',
      defaultValue: Phone.NAME,
      view: { factory_: 'foam.ui.ChoiceView', choices: [
        [ Phone.NAME, 'Alphabetical' ],
        [ Phone.AGE,  'Newest' ]
      ] }
    { name: 'dao', defaultValue: phones },    // phones comes from phones.js
                                              // It's an in-memory DAO
                                              // of the phone data
      name: 'filteredDAO',
      model_: 'foam.core.types.DAOProperty',
      view: {
        factory_: 'foam.ui.DAOListView',
        rowView: 'PhoneCitationView',
        mode: 'read-only'
      dynamicValue: function() {
        return this.dao.orderBy(this.order)
            .where(CONTAINS_IC(SEQ(Phone.NAME, Phone.SNIPPET), this.search));

Let’s explain a few pieces of this code in detail.

  • Setting view to an object like { factory_: 'TextFieldView', onKeyMode: true } specifies the class (TextFieldView) that should be used for this view, as well as some arguments to pass to the view, like setting onKeyMode to true.
  • search has its view set to TextFieldView. By default, TextFieldView fires updates when it loses focus or the user presses Enter. Setting onKeyMode: true will make it fire an update on every keystroke, meaning the list of phones will filter as you type.
  • order defaults to sorting by Phone.NAME.
    • For each property someProp on a class MyClass, there is a static property spelled MyClass.SOME_PROP that is used for sorting and filtering in DAOs. There are several examples of these here.
  • order is displayed as a ChoiceView, which represents a drop-down box.
    • ChoiceView expects an array of choices. Each choice is an array [internalValue, 'user label']. The value of the order property is two-way bound to the current value of the drop-down box.
  • dao is the master DAO containing all the phones.
    • phones.js creates a global array called phones. We set the defaultValue of our dao property to this global value. Remember that Array implements the DAO interface.
  • filteredDAO is the interesting DAO. This is the one that actually drives the main view on the page, which gets filtered by the search and ordered by the sort order.
    • Its view is DAOListView. This view shows a vertical list of rows, one for each entry in the DAO it is bound to. The view for each row is PhoneCitationView, which we’ll define shortly.
    • dynamicValue takes a function that is treated like a spreadsheet cell: it registers listeners on each of the inputs in the function. Then when any of the inputs changes, the function will be run again and the value of filteredDAO updated.
      • Here, those inputs are this.order and this.search.
      • The return value becomes the value of this.filteredDAO, which will be a sorted and filtered version of the master this.dao.
    • CONTAINS_IC checks if the string on the left contains the string on the right, ignoring case.
      • SEQ(Phone.NAME, Phone.SNIPPET concatenates the phone’s name and description blurb.

DetailView and Default Templates

We told our DAOListView above that its rowView is called PhoneCitationView. We need to define this view, which will specify how to display a summary of a phone for the catalog page.

DetailView is a very important view in FOAM. It has a data property which is set to some FOAM object. The DetailView has a default template, which runs through the list of properties on the object, and displays their names (or labels, if set) in the left column of a table, and their views on the right.

Therefore we don’t really have to define a custom view here, if we don’t care what it looks like. To demonstrate, let’s load our app using the default DetailView templates. Then we’ll add custom templates so we get the layout and style we want.

Add these two dummy views to Controller.js:

  name: 'PhoneCitationView',
  extendsModel: 'foam.ui.DetailView'

  name: 'ControllerView',
  extendsModel: 'foam.ui.DetailView',
  requires: [

Models should name every other model on which they depend - those they will create, or use in their templates - in requires. See the Appendix for more details on requires, imports, exports and arequire.

With this, the catalog page will be usable, though ugly. Update index.html to be the following:

    <script src="foam/core/bootFOAM.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="foam/core/foam.css" />
    <script src="Phone.js"></script>
    <script src="phones.js"></script>
    <script src="Controller.js"></script>
    <foam id="cat" model="Controller" view="ControllerView"></foam>

If you load that up in your browser, you’ll see that it’s far from pretty, but that searching and sorting work properly.

The <foam> tag is a convenience for loading a given model and view, and inserting it into the DOM.

Next we’ll add custom templates in part 4.

There’s also quite a bit more about the DAO interface in the appendix.