Central app setup

As our next step, let’s build a new model for the heart of our app. This will specify the most basic wiring: what model we’re viewing, how the data is stored, and how to view it.

Create the file PROJECT/js/com/todo/TodoApp.js, so that the directory structure looks like this:

|- foam/
|- js/
|--- com/
|----- todo/
|------- TodoApp.js
|------- model/
|--------- Todo.js

Open this new file in your editor, and put the following into it:

  package: 'com.todo',
  name: 'TodoApp',
  extends: 'foam.browser.u2.BrowserController',
  requires: [
  properties: [
      name: 'model',
      factory: function() {
        return this.Todo;

You can check that this new rendition of our app is working by going to http://localhost:8000/foam/index.html?model_=com.todo.TodoApp&classpath=../js/. It should be identical to before.

So what’s going on with this new model?

  • It extends foam.browser.u2.BrowserController, which you may recognize from the query parameters we passed to index.html earlier. This is the central view that sets up the Browser. We’re only extending it slightly, overriding its model property.
  • We specify requires. FOAM models can depend on other models. Here we require our Todo model.
  • BrowserController has a property called model, which we previously set using a URL parameter. Here we’re overriding that property to customize it.
    • Our model property has a factory function. Factories are run when a new instance (of TodoApp) is created and no value for that property was passed in. Whatever value the factory() returns becomes the value of the model property.
    • Our factory returns this.Todo. When we “require” a model with requires, it gets attached to this as this.Todo.

We haven’t actually improved the app at all. We just moved our wiring from the model=com.todo.model.Todo URL parameter to this TodoApp model.

A few quick improvements

There’s some low-hanging fruit that would improve our app experience quite a bit, so let’s make some changes.

Hidden properties

First, let’s hide the id property, since it’s really an internal primary key.

You can set hidden: true on a property, and it will be ignored in the generated UI. Let’s do that now: open up PROJECT/js/com/todo/model/Todo.js and edit the id property to look like this:

  name: 'id',
  hidden: true

Reload the app, and the id field is gone:

Details without ID field

UI labels

The “Is Completed” checkbox view is labeled awkwardly. Let’s fix that, by setting the label for our property. All properties have a label, which defaults to name converted from camelCase to “Camel Case”.

We can override it here, like so:

  type: 'Boolean',
  name: 'isCompleted',
  label: 'Completed'

Details with new label


You will have noticed by now that every time you reload the app to see the changes, the data has disappeared. That’s annoying, so let’s fix it in Part 4: DAOs.